Frequently Asked...
I had a drug test violation and my Clearinghouse status is prohibited, can you help with that? We sure can! We will act as your DER (designated employee rep), basically your HR department. We will clear your prohibited status and implement your SAP's follow up testing plan...
Where can I get my testing done? We have one of the largest collection site networks across the country. We have accounts with the top 4 labs (Quest, Labcorp, CRL and Alere). This allows us to offer the most collection sites for you to choose from! This includes every Quest and Labcorp location along with many hospitals, urgent cares and local clinics. Concentra, NOVA, Arc Point, Fastest Labs, Med Express just to name a few. When you place an order, you'll simply enter your current ZIP code and we'll do the rest.
How do I know if I'm selected for random testing?
We send out emails every quarter with an attachment. If you're name is listed on the attachment, you must be tested.
Will you submit FMCSA Clearinghouse queries? Yes! For companies that order drug tests through us, we will submit the required data to the Clearinghouse on your behalf.
Can I see what the portal looks like?