Helpful Info
Portal Overview
Watch this brief video for a basic walk through on how the portal works.
Ordering a Drug Test
This video explains the basics of ordering any type of drug test, editing the order if necessary, and viewing the results.
Add and Remove Members
This video describes the basics of adding new members, editing them, removing or suspending them.
MVR and Background Checks
How to order MVR's and background checks, edit orders and view reports.
Adding Team Members
How to grant portal access to others, so they can access your account.
Clearinghouse Consent Forms (FMCSA)
How to send Clearinghouse consent forms to employees for annual queries.
Drug Test Types
The difference between drug test types and when to order them.
Understanding the Clearinghouse
This is a brief overview of how the Clearinghouse functions and a breakdown of the different consent forms that are required (FMCSA)
The Return to Duty Process (FMCSA)
For someone that has had a previous positive drug test or refusal, getting back to normal in the Clearinghouse can be a difficult task. Here is a breakdown.
Billing and Subscriptions
How to update your billing information or cancel your subscription.
MVR Consent form Options
Understand the difference of each consent form option, and how it relates to processing orders.
The Results Tab
Any easy way to access results from any platform.